Is vaping more satisfying than smoking?

Neither smoking nor vaping are beneficial to human health. Based on available evidence, smoking seems more harmful than vaping, but this doesn't mean that vaping is safe. Vaping is largely perceived as a safer alternative to smoking. While vaping does not expose users to tar or carbon monoxide, two of the most dangerous elements in tobacco smoke, vaping is far from safe and has its own health risks.

Vaping involves inhaling an aerosol containing several chemicals, such as nicotine and flavorings, through an e-cigarette or vaporizer.

Elanor Burr
Elanor Burr

Eleanor Burr, a writer and freelance journalist, has become a significant voice in the UK's literary scene. Her work, often centred around the themes of freedom, identity, and the societal impacts of cannabis, resonates deeply with a broad readership. Eleanor's journey began in the serene landscapes of Wales, where her love for storytelling was nurtured amidst the rolling hills and historic castles. After moving to London to pursue her passion, she quickly made her mark with a series of compelling feature articles and short stories that blend her advocacy for cannabis with a sharp, insightful critique of contemporary British culture. Eleanor's writing is celebrated for its eloquence, wit, and the ability to provoke thought and conversation about the nuances of everyday life.